BGH has an Independent Market Surveillance Unit as part of its operational personnel. The Unit ensures fulfilment of the obligations arising therefrom Regulation (EU) № 1227/2011.
The Market Surveillance Unit monitors the orderly and compliant trading on the BGH Market and the orderly settlement of Transactions and ensures posteriori (on the basis of known facts or past events) that BGH Members behave in accordance with the BGH Market Rules. BGH Members undertake to supply data to the Market Surveillance Unit of BGH upon its request about any information of settlement of Transactions concluded by them on BGH market. The recipient shall treat these data as highly confidential and shall be obliged to keep confidentiality.
The Market Surveillance Unit may transmit data with respect to the execution of transactions to the Regulatory authority, as the authority which is responsible for monitoring natural gas trading in Bulgaria and receive data from them, to the extent that this is necessary to ensure the orderly conduct of trading and the settlement of transactions.